PIRN Members' Accomplishments
2023 Canadian Paediatrics Society (CPS) Young Investigator Award - Dr. Peter GIll
2023 Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Award for Young Leaders (Resident) - Dr. Victor Do
Nurse KM, Parkin PC, Keown-Stoneman CDG, et al. Association Between Family Income and Positive Developmental Screening Using the Infant Toddler Checklist at the 18-Month Health Supervision Visit. J Pediatr. 2024;264:113769. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.113769
Sebastian A, Borkhoff CM, Wahi G, et al. A Feeding Adequacy Scale for Children With Bronchiolitis: Prospective Multicenter Study. Hosp Pediatr. 2023;13(10):895-903. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2023-007339
McKerlie MF, Wolter NE, Mahant S, et al. Abscess volume as a predictor of surgical intervention in children hospitalized with orbital cellulitis: A multicentre cohort study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2023;171:111629.
Anwar MR, Mahant S, Agbaje-Ojo T, et al. Diagnostic test accuracy of ultrasound for orbital cellulitis: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2023;18(7):e0288011. Published 2023 Jul 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0288011
Yang S et al. for the Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Kidney Ultrasonography After First Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Children
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2023 May 30; doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.1387
Emily Lan-Vy Nguyen et al. on behalf of Periorbital and Orbital Cellulitis Multicenter Study Group and Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Variation in the Management of Hospitalized Children With Orbital Cellulitis Over 10 Years. American Academy of Pediatrics: Hospital Pediatrics. 2023 Apr 26; 13(5): 375-391. https://doi.org/10.1542/hpeds.2022-007006
Moretti ME, Jegathisawaran J, Wahi G, Bayliss A, Kanani R, Pound CM, Sakran M, Parkin PC, Mahant S; Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Cost-effectiveness of Intermittent vs Continuous Pulse Oximetry Monitoring in Infants Hospitalized With Stabilized Bronchiolitis. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Nov 1;5(11):e2243609. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.43609.
Nama N, Parnian H, Zerly N, Picco K, Bone J, Wylie J, Gagnon J, Sehgal A, Quet J, Drouin O, Vomiero G, Kanani R, Luu TM, Goldman R, Kang K, Mahant S, Tieder J, Gill PJ, Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Canadian infants presenting with Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs) and validation of clinical prediction rules for risk stratification: A protocol for a multicenter, retrospective cohort study. 2022 Oct 12(10):e063183, BMJ Open. Manuscript ID bmjopen-2022-063183
Gill PJ, Thavam T, Anwar MR, Zhu J, To T, Mahant S, on behalf of the Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Pediatric Clinical Classification System for use in Canadian inpatient settings. PLoS One 2022 Aug 25;17(8):e0273580. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273580. eCollection 2022.
Gill PJ, Drouin O, Pound C, Quet J, Wahi G, Bayliss A, Vomiero G, Foulds J, Kanani R, Sakran M, Sehgal A, Pullenayegum E, Parkin P, Widjaja E, Reginald A, Wolter N, Mahant S on behalf of Periorbital and Orbital Cellulitis (POC) Multicenter Study Group and Canadian Pediatric Inpatient Network (PIRN). Factors associated with surgery and imaging characteristics in severe orbital infections. Journal of Pediatrics 2022 May 11: S0022-3476(22)00416-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.05.010
Brunet J, Gill PJ, Imsirovic H, Parkin PC, To T, Schuh S, Mahant S; Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Evaluation of Bronchiolitis-Related Emergency Department Visits From 2004 to 2018: A Population-Based Cohort Study. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Jul 1;176(7):719-722. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.0707.
Gill PJ, Bayliss A, Sozer A, Buchanan F, Breen-Reid K, De Castris-Garcia K, Green M, Quinlan M, Wong N, Frappier S, Cowan K, Chan C, Arafeh D, Anwar MR, Macarthur C, Parkin P, Cohen E, Mahant S, and the Canadian Pediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Patient, caregiver, and clinician participation in prioritization of research questions in pediatric hospital medicine. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Apr 1;5(4):e229085.
Gill PJ, Thavam T, Anwar MR, Zhu J, Parkin P, Cohen E, To T, Mahant S on behalf of the Ontario Pediatric Hospital Care Study Group (OPHCSG) and the Canadian Pediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Prevalence, Cost, and Variation in Cost of Pediatric Hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Feb 1;5(2): e2147447.
Mahant S, Parkin PC, Thavam T, Imsirovic H, Tuna M, Knight B, Webster R, Schuh S, To T, Gill PJ; Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Rates in Bronchiolitis Hospitalization, Intensive Care Unit Use, Mortality, and Costs From 2004 to 2018. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Mar: 176(3); 270-279
Mahant S, Wahi G, Bayliss A, Giglia L, Kanani R, Pound CM, Sakran M, Kozlowski N, Breen-Reid K, Arafeh D, Moretti ME, Agarwal A, Barrowman N, Willan AR, Schuh S, Parkin PC; Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network (PIRN). Intermittent vs Continuous Pulse Oximetry in Hospitalized Infants With Stabilized Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2021 May 1;175(5):466-474. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.6141.
Dr. Olivier Drouin - CIHR Project Grant Fall 2022 Priority Announcement, Patient Oriented Research: Early -Career Investigator Competition
Title: Low-value care and variation in practice in the care of children hospitalized with bronchiolitis in Canada
Dr. Thuy Mai Luu - CIHR Project Grant Spring 2021 Competition
Title: Risk of long-term chronic diseases in individuals born preterm
Dr. Olivier Drouin - CIHR Project Grant Spring 2021 Competition
Title: Improving adherence to controller medication in children with asthma - the unexplored contribution of behavioural sciences
Dr. Gita Wahi - CIHR Project Grant Spring 2021 Competition
Title: 10-year Follow-Up of the South Asian Birth Cohort: Understanding early life determinants of cardiovascular disease